Sunday, March 8, 2009

Good News?

Do we Christians, especially we American Christians, have a gospel, do we have good news, for the wretched of the earth? So much of what passes for the gospel in this country has virtually nothing to say to the vast majority of people who have lived, who now live, and who will live on this broken planet. The vast majority who live and die in obscurity, in poverty and hunger, in stunted and twisted bodies, in frustrated and damaged hearts and minds, in spirits tattered and shredded by their own sins and the sins of this world. So much of what we put forth as the Christian message is but a thin concoction of middle and upper middle class vanities far too oriented around bourgeois self-fulfillment and even self-aggrandizement. Where in the American gospel is the good news of Isaiah 35, the Magnificat, the Beatitudes, Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 25:31-46, of Luke 4:16-21, of a crucified carpenter's son and itinerant healer and teacher off a dusty bypass of the Roman empire?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you