Thursday, August 22, 2019

Images of Grasses

When I was at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (Dorchester County, Maryland's eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay) earlier in the summer, I was entranced by the grasses, and by the grasses and water. Such varieties of grasses: textures; heights; colors; densities. I took several photographs. I could spend a long time observing the many grasses in their varied contexts of time and place, of light and air, of weathers and seasons. I wonder if I could produce a set of quality photographs. I would like to try. It would take extended time and effort. Yet the possibility stimulates and pulls me.

And related to this, I think some artist ought to compose "A Symphony of Grasses," or at least an extended tone poem, to evoke the textures, heights, colors, densities. I would only need to learn more about music and grasses. Ah, but for another life.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Present Circumstances, Present Self

How in the ambiguity of my present circumstances, not some imagined or desired ideal circumstances, can I glorify God? How in the ambiguity of my present self, not some imagined or desired ideal self, can I embody and manifest the truth, beauty, and goodness of God's kingdom? These questions have long wrestled me.