Monday, February 23, 2015

A Confessional Meditation for Lent, Adapted from "The Book of Common Prayer"

Most merciful God,
I confess that I have sinned against you
     in thought
          by what I have done
          and by what I have left undone,
          thus not loving you with my whole heart
          and not loving my neighbor as myself;
     in word
          by what I have done
          and by what I have left undone,
          thus not loving you with my whole heart
          and not loving my neighbor as myself;
     in deed
          by what I have done
          and by what I have left undone,
          thus not loving you with my whole heart
          and not loving my neighbor as myself.
I am truly sorry, and I humbly repent.
Have mercy on me, and forgive me;
     that I may delight in your will
     and walk in your ways,
     to the glory of your Name. Amen.

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